News & Events

Calaca City Adopts a Character Program to Promote "Values and Character Traits" among its citizen

News & Events | by City of Calaca

The City Government of Calaca has launched a program aimed at enhancing character formation and development among its residents, who are now referred to as CALACAZENS after Calaca was proclaimed a component city in the Province of Batangas through Republic Act 11544.

The Calaca City Government aims to become a Character City by upholding the preservation of character traits that are innate to Filipinos. The Character City program will help CALACAZENS gain a better understanding of the 12 Character Traits that it deems essential for sustainable growth and development. These traits include Faithfulness, Discipline, Gratefulness, Resilience, Responsibility, Courage, Integrity, Empathy, Hospitality, Creativity, Patriotism and Respect. These traits are thoughtfully selected to represent a well-rounded CALACAZEN.

Becoming a city has its pros and cons. On one hand, it offers many chances for residents to succeed and prosper. However, it can also bring about problems that threaten peace, safety, and security. The key to maintaining a strong community is having citizens who are engaged and committed to upholding the values that drive growth.

The then municipality has achieved its goal of becoming a full-fledged city to benefit future generations. Now, the City Government aims to be recognized as a City of Character, which means following the principles of character qualities promoted by the International Association of Character Cities (IACC). This group encourages collaboration among government, civic, and religious organizations to establish a community of character. To achieve this goal, citizens and government officials need to work together with commitment and mutual support.

Implementing the Character City Program requires creative and innovative approaches to engage all citizens in advocacy. There is no predetermined formula for success. The program includes a guidebook outlining 12 character traits that will be emphasized each month. This guidebook is being developed to educate Calacazens about the significance and key features of each trait. It also provides practical tips and guidance on how to apply these traits in real-life situations.

The Character City Program is designed to help CALACAZENS develop inner strength to overcome societal challenges, adversities, and negative influences. This program offers citizens a chance to reflect on past experiences, preserve positive Filipino values, and examine their thoughts, feelings, and actions to make responsible decisions.

As Plutarch once wisely stated, “Character is simply habit long continued”. The Character City Program works hand-in-hand with Calaca City’s Literacy Program to promote positive virtues and ensure efficient and effective delivery of social services to the community. Building good character takes time and effort, and cannot be achieved overnight. To truly make these 12 traits a part of everyday life requires continuous and patient effort to instill good character among the people of Calaca.

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