City Budget Department

Department Officials » City Development » City Budget Department

The City Budget Office is mandated to provide technical assistance to the Local Government Unit with regards to budget matters. Responsible for the implementation of the appropriation ordinance in accordance with the existing rules and regulations pertaining to it and to have an outcome of a responsive budgeting services within the city government.


 A Local Government Unit working in a participative, policy-based budgeting that is responsive to administration sectoral development goal.


Ensure compliance of Section 305 (i) of R.A 7160 in allocating available/limited resources and the observance of budgetary requirements, rules and regulations in the preparation and implementation of Executive Budget.

List of Services and Programs


Mrs. Eufrocina P. Macalindong



A graduate of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, she became a government servant in November 2004 and was assigned to the Municipal Budget Office up to date. She lives by faith with a bible verse, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t rely on your understanding, in all thy ways acknowledged HIM and HE will direct thy path.”

Citizen's Charter